
The final step of fluorescent staining of tissues and cells is their mounting under coverslips. The quality of microscope images depends on the choice of mounting medium. The medium must preserve the fluorescent signal, protect the sample from drying out and degradation, have a low viscosity for uniform distribution throughout the sample, and be optically similar to the coverslip.

Selecting a mounting medium with a refractive index close to 1.52 is essential to reduce light reflection and ensure maximum transparency and image quality. Moreover, for fluorescent dyes, such a medium must be prepared on an aqueous basis.

We offer mounting media that have all of the above characteristics. Our media will help preserve sample fluorescence and provide optimal conditions for sample storage and analysis.

LumiMount® DAPI 荧光封片剂 (LumiMount® DAPI Fluorescence Mounting Medium)

一种含有 DAPI 的水性抗褪色封片剂,用于荧光标记的细胞或组织样品的盖片和成像。
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
13144 2 mL –   现货
53144 15 mL $89 现货
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LumiMount® Fluorescence Mounting Medium

An aqueous anti-fade mounting medium for coverslipping cells and tissues stained with various fluorescent dyes.
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
11144 2 mL –   现货
51144 15 mL $30 现货
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LumiMount® Plus Fluorescence Mounting Medium

An aqueous, high refractive index mounting medium for coverslipping and imaging fluorescently labeled cell or tissue samples.
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
12144 2 mL –   现货
52144 15 mL $149 现货
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