核酸试剂 / 产品分类和该类别中的产品
Reagents for nucleic acid modification, isolation, and quantification. Reagents for PCR/qPCR.
Kits for nucleic acid quantification compatible with various fluorescence measuring equipment.
PreciseGreen® dsDNA 定量试剂盒 (PreciseGreen dsDNA Quantification Kit)
使用 PreciseGreen® 荧光染料定量 dsDNA 的试剂盒。
QuDye® dsDNA BR Assay Kit
Ready kit for accurate DNA quantification with fluorometer in the broad range from 100 pg/µL to 1000 ng/µL. Common contaminants are well tolerated in the assay, only 1-20 µL of experimental sample is required. Measurements are performed at room temperature.
QuDye® dsDNA HS Assay Kit
Ready kit optimised for fluorometers featuring high sensitivity (HS) and a measurements range from 10 pg/uL to 100 ng/uL.
QuDye® ssDNA Assay Kit
Ready kit for accurate and sensitive quantification of single-stranded DNA with fluorometer; the measurement range is from 50 pg/μL to 200 ng/μL for initial ssDNA sample.
Ribo488 RNA assay kit compatible with plate readers
Ribo488 fluorescent dye kit for quantitative measurement of RNA concentration in solution. It is compatible with cuvette and microvolume fluorometers. Kit includes buffer and RNA standard.
PreciseGreen® dsDNA 定量试剂,200× (PreciseGreen dsDNA Quantification Reagent, 200×)
PreciseGreen® 是一种染料,可用于在RNA、ssDNA 和其他杂质存在的情况下对dsDNA进行精确荧光定量。该染料在荧光素通道中表现出明亮的荧光,在pg/mLng/mL 范围内对 DNA 浓度提供线性响应。
QuDye® dsDNA BR 试剂,200× (QuDye® dsDNA BR Reagent, 200×)
用于使用荧光板读数器或荧光计在较宽范围的初始样品浓度内对双链 DNA 进行定量的浓缩试剂。
QuDye® dsDNA HS Reagent, 200×
Concentrated reagent for high sensitive (HS) double-stranded (dsDNA) quantification to be used in any fluorescence reader.
QuReader® 1 Green
Green channel single sample model fluorometer optimized for QuDye® quantification kits.
QuReader® 8 Green
Green channel multiple samples model fluorometer optimized for QuDye® quantification kits.
Ribo488 RNA Quantification Reagent
Ribo488 is the fluorescent intercalating dye for quantitation of RNA.
Ready-to-use kits for sample preparation and isolation of nucleic acids from various biological samples and agarose gels.
LumiMag® BB, Magnetic Bead DNA Isolation Kit for Blood and Buccal Swab
The kit based on magnetic bead technology for efficient isolation of genomic DNA from whole blood samples and swabs. It is compatible with automated platforms and manual extraction using a magnetic rack.
LumiSpin® BB, DNA Isolation Spin Kit for Blood and Buccal Swab
Ready-to-use kit for rapid and efficient purification of genomic DNA from whole blood samples, buccal swabs, leukocytes, cultured mammalian cells.
LumiSpin® GEL, DNA Isolation Spin Kit for Agarose Gel
Ready-to-use kit for rapid and efficient purification of DNA fragments from agarose gels or enzymatic reactions.
LumiSpin® PLASMID, Plasmid DNA Isolation Spin Kit
Ready-to-use kit for rapid and efficient purification of plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures using spin columns.
LumiSpin® UNI, DNA Isolation Spin Kit for Any Sample
Ready-to-use kit for efficient purification of genomic DNA from plant and animal tissues and organs, whole blood, buccal swabs, leukocytes, cultured mammalian cells, and gram-negative bacteria.
KeepRNA、RNA 稳定和储存解决方案 (KeepRNA, Stabilization and Storage Solution for RNA)
用于快速稳定和储存组织和细胞培养物中RNA 的液体。
Linear Polyacrylamide for Nucleic Acid Precipitation
Nucleic acid coprecipitant. Suitable for PCR and RT-PCR reactions.
Lumizol Reagent
Lumizol reagent is a solution for the rapid extraction of RNA, DNA, and proteins from various cell and tissue samples.
Proteinase K Dilution Buffer
Buffer solution for dissolving lyophilized proteinase K, pH 7.5.
Nucleic acid stains, intercalating dyes, DNA-binding dyes, reference dyes for PCR, and other fluorescent tools for DNA amplification and detection.
Eva488 Lyophilized qPCR kit
Lyophilized, ready-to-use, high performance qPCR kit with hot start Taq polymerase and Eva488 fluorescent dye. All of the active components are freeze-dried allowing to be shipped at room temperature.
dsGreen® Lyophilized qPCR kit
Lyophilized, ready-to-use, high performance qPCR kit with hot start Taq polymerase and dsGreen fluorescent dye. All of the active components are freeze-dried allowing to be shipped at room temperature.
DryDrops® PCR、单次PCR检测冻干珠 (DryDrops® PCR, Single Assay PCR Lyophilized Beads)
预配制、预分散、单剂量冻干反应混合物,包含进行 PCR 和 real-time PCR 所需的所有成分,体积为 25 μL。
Eva488 solution for qPCR, 20×
Eva488 is an analog of EvaGreen®, a real-time PCR dye that does not inhibit amplification. It is supplied as a 20× solution in water.
Random(dN)6 primer
Random-sequence oligonucleotide can be used as a universal primer.
dsGreen® 用于实时定量PCR, 100× (dsGreen® for Real-Time PCR, 100×)
用于实时定量PCR 的 dsGreen® 储备液,100×
dsGreen®, solid form
dsGreen® is a stain with high sensitivity and selectivity for dsDNA. This product is a solid form of dsGreen that can be used for the preparation of solutions.
用于 qPCR 的 ROX 参考染料 (ROX reference dye for qPCR)
ROX 是一种用于 qPCR 扩增的被动参比染料。该染料可用于均一化 qPCR 中报告染料的荧光强度。
随机(dN)10引物 [Random(dN)10 primer]
Highly sensitive dyes for staining RNA, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), or double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in agarose and polyacrylamide electrophoretic gels.
dsGold 核酸凝胶染色液,10000× (dsGold Nucleic Acid Gel Staining Solution, 10,000×)
一种高灵敏度染色剂,用于电泳凝胶中的 dsDNA、ssDNA 和 RNA 染色。
dsGreen® 凝胶染色液,10000× (dsGreen® Gel Staining Solution, 10,000×)
dsGreen® 用于琼脂糖和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中的 dsDNA 染色。
dsGreen®, solid form
dsGreen® is a stain with high sensitivity and selectivity for dsDNA. This product is a solid form of dsGreen that can be used for the preparation of solutions.
dsSafe Nucleic Acid Gel Staining Solution, 10,000×
Fluorescent dye for DNA and RNA gel visualization, the best and safer alternative to ethidium bromide.
ssGreen® RNA Gel Staining Solution, 10,000×
A highly sensitive stain for post-electrophoresis staining of RNA and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in agarose or polyacrylamide gels.
Triphosphates for enzymatic labeling and modification of DNA with fluorescent dyes, reactive groups, and affinity groups.
Uridine triphosphate labeled with amino group intended for indirect non-radioactive enzymatic RNA labeling.
Amino-11-dCTP is a modified deoxycytidine triphosphate for amine labeling of DNA.
Non-fluorescent modified nucleotide for preparing biotin-labeled of RNA in purification and detection applications.
Biotinylated UTP for enzymatic RNA labeling.
Biotinylated dCTP with 11-atom linker for non-radioactive DNA-labeling.
Biotin-labeled deoxyuridine triphosphate for enzymatic incorporation into DNA and indirect detection.
FAM-11-UTP, 6-isomer
6-FAM-uridine triphosphate for non-radioactive enzymatic RNA labeling during in vitro transcription.
FAM-11-dCTP, 6-isomer
6-isomer FAM-labeled dCTP with 11 carbon atoms linker for enzymatic DNA labeling.
FAM-11-dUTP, 6-isomer
FAM-derivative of dUTP with green emission for DNA labeling.
sulfo-Cyanine3 dUTP
Fluorescent dNTP for the labeling of DNA with sulfo-Cyanine3.
sulfo-Cyanine5 dUTP
sulfo-Cyanine5 dUTP is a fluorescently labeled triphosphate used to enzymatically modify DNA with a sulfo-Cyanine5 fluorophore. The reagent contains a long linker arm, which makes incorporation highly efficient.
sulfo-Cyanine5.5 dUTP
Modified deoxy triphosphate containing sulfo-Cyanine5.5 (aka Cy5.5) dye for enzymatic labeling of DNA microarrays.
氨基-11-CTP (Amino-11-CTP)
Amino-11-CTP 是一种修饰的三磷酸胞苷,用于 RNA 的胺标记。
Amino-11-dUTP 是一种用于修饰 DNA 的三磷酸盐。
氨基-11-ddUTP (Amino-11-ddUTP)
Amino-11-ddUTP 是一种用于修饰 DNA 的三磷酸盐。
短链接 - cn.lumiprobe.com/sh/c/i