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ProteOrange® Protein Quantification Kit

The core of this Protein Quantification Kit is a very sensitive ProteOrange® fluorescent dye. This dye is suitable for use with spectrofluorometers and microplate readers. The kit is optimised for protein quantification, with detection level as low as 10 ng/mL of protein in final solution.
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
1 mL dye
$415 1 天
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QuDye® Protein Quantification Kit

Ready-to-use kit for simple, tolerant-to-contaminants protein quantification. The kit includes concentrated assay reagent, dilution buffer, and prediluted BSA standards.
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
100 assays
$110 1 天
100 assays (incl. tubes)
$130 1 天
500 assays
$350 1 天
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ALS-1 表面活性剂 (ALS-1 Surfactant)

一种与质谱 (MS) 兼容的阴离子表面活性剂,用于溶解和解折叠蛋白质。
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
4516-5mg 5 mg $139 现货
4516-25mg 25 mg $518 现货
4516-50mg 50 mg $868 现货
4516-100mg 100 mg $1520 现货
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ProteOrange® Protein Quantification Reagent, 500×

ProteOrange® is a fluorescent protein-sensitive dye used for quantitating purified protein samples. The dye shows minimal variability for different proteins. This reagent is a 500× concentrate of ProteOrange dye.
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
41210 1 mL $195 现货
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QuDye® Protein Quantification Reagent, 200×

Highly sensitive and selective reagent for fluorometric quantification of protein concentration, using both fluorescence microplate readers and cuvette-based devices. The dye is highly tolerant to non-protein impurities, except surface acting agents.
目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
55210 1.5 mL $125 现货
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