
Eva488 Lyophilized qPCR kit

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100 rxn
$90 $30 21 天
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It is used intercalated Eva488 dye (EvaGreen® analog), that bound to double-stranded DNA and does not inhibit the reaction and exhibits a high fluorescence signal increase.

Used for PCR without fluorescent probes.

Eva488 Lyophilized qPCR kit reaction mix does not contain ROX reference dye thus it is compatible with any type real-time DNA amplifiers. The kit contains hot start (HS) polymerase which prevents non-specific amplification. Reaction mix volume 1 mL is good for 100 rxn of 20 µL.

Kit components:

  • Component #1: Lyophilized HS Taq polymerase composition, 100 rxn
  • Component #2: Polymerase reconstitution buffer, containing intercalating dye Eva488 a real-time PCR dye

Compatibility with equipment: is compatible with any type of thermocyclers.


dsGreen® Lyophilized qPCR kit

Lyophilized, ready-to-use, high performance qPCR kit with hot start Taq polymerase and dsGreen fluorescent dye. All of the active components are freeze-dried allowing to be shipped at room temperature.

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