
AF 594 carboxylic acid

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14890 1 mg $125 现货
24890 5 mg $325 现货
44890 25 mg $950 现货
54890 50 mg $1625 现货
64890 100 mg $2090 现货
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AF 594 is a bright, red-fluorescent dye with excitation maximum at 590 nm and emission maximum at 617 nm. This dye has better photostability and higher fluorescence quantum yield than traditional fluorescent stains (phycoerythrin PE, Texas Red etc.).

AF 594 carboxylic acid is a non-reactive form of AF 594 dye that can be used as a reference standard in experiments involving AF 594 dye conjugates. Besides, the carboxylic group can react with hydrazines, hydroxylamines, and amines using carbodiimides such as EDAC.


Abasic phosphoramidite

Abasic phosphoramidite for DNA synthesis and DNA damage and repair study.

AF 488 amine

AF 488 dye with a terminal amino group with emission in the green region of the spectrum.

sulfo-Cyanine3 carboxylic acid

sulfo-Cyanine3 free unactivated monofunctional carboxylic acid, water-soluble dye.

General properties

Appearance: black-blue crystals
Molecular weight: 925.18
Molecular formula: C47H64N4O11S2
Solubility: soluble in water, DMSO, DMF
Quality control: NMR 1H and HPLC-MS (95+%)
Storage conditions: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Desiccate. Avoid prolonged exposure to light.
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Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 586
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 105000
Emission maximum, nm: 613
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.77
CF260: 0.28
CF280: 0.51
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