
BDP® 558/568 alkyne

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A74B0 1 mg $125 现货
B74B0 5 mg $260 现货
C74B0 10 mg $325 现货
D74B0 25 mg $510 现货
E74B0 50 mg $895 现货
F74B0 100 mg $1490 现货
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BDP 558/568 is a borondipyrromethene dye for Cyanine3 channel. The dye possesses high quantum yield. This derivative is a terminal alkyne for copper-catalyzed click chemistry.


PODi-1,蓝色荧光核酸染色剂 (PODi-1, blue fluorescent nucleic acid stain)

PODi-1 是一种不可渗透细胞的蓝色荧光核酸染料。PODi-1 的化学性质与 POPO®-1 相同。

YODi-3, red fluorescent nucleic acid stain

YODi-3 is a cell-impermeant red fluorescent nucleic acid stain. YODi-3 is chemically equivalent to YOYO®-3.

Cyanine5.5炔烃 (Cyanine5.5 alkyne)

Cyanine5.5 alkyne 是一种用于铜催化的点击化学的NIR(近红外)染料叠氮化物,

General properties

Appearance: dark colored solid
Molecular weight: 383.22
Molecular formula: C19H16N3BF2OS
Solubility: well soluble in DCM, DMF, DMSO, acetone, low aqueous solubility
Quality control: NMR 1H, HPLC-MS (95%)
Storage conditions: Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
安全数据表(MSDS): 下载

Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 561
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 84400
Emission maximum, nm: 569
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.68
CF260: 0.00
CF280: 0.07


  1. Charoen-Rajapark, P.; Clarke, D.R. Confocal microscopy observations of electrical pre-breakdown of bi-layer elastomer dielectrics. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021, 49, 101473. doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2021.101473
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