
QuDye Protein Quantification Reagent, 200×

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55210 1.5 mL $125 现货
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QuDye Protein Quantification Reagent is designed for quantification of protein concentration by a fluorometer in the range of initial protein concentration from 12.5 to 5000 µg/mL. The reagent can be used for quantification of protein concentration with both fluorescence microplate readers and cuvette-based fluorometers, whose measurement range can be wider, depending on the characteristics of the device. Because the reagent selectively binds to SDS-protein micelles, the presence of nucleotides, DNA, RNA, amino acids, salts, reducing agents (2-mercaptoethanol, DTT), and other impurities (except detergents) in the sample does not affect the result of measurement. QuDye Protein Quantification Reagent is quite versatile and allows quantification of the concentration of various proteins with high sensitivity.

This product is a component of QuDye Protein Quantification Kit and is used as an OEM component of kits by other manufacturers.


PreciseGreen dsDNA 定量试剂,200× (PreciseGreen dsDNA Quantification Reagent, 200×)

PreciseGreen 是一种染料,可用于在RNA、ssDNA 和其他杂质存在的情况下对dsDNA进行精确荧光定量。该染料在荧光素通道中表现出明亮的荧光,在pg/mLng/mL 范围内对 DNA 浓度提供线性响应。

dsSafe Nucleic Acid Gel Staining Solution, 10,000×

Fluorescent dye for DNA and RNA gel visualization, the best and safer alternative to ethidium bromide.

6-Carboxy-H2DCFDA (6-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein)

A reagent for detecting reactive oxygen species (ROS) in living cells. This carboxylated H2DCFDA analog has two additional negative charges that impede its leakage out of the cell.

General properties

Appearance: orange solution
Storage conditions: Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
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