
AF 647 maleimide

目录号 数量 价格 提前通知时间
16880 1 mg $140 现货
26880 5 mg $450 现货
46880 25 mg $1460 现货
56880 50 mg $1890 现货
66880 100 mg $2990 现货
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AF 647 maleimide is a thiol-reactive dye for labeling of protein SH groups, and it can be used to attach AF 647 fluorophore to proteins and peptides containing cysteine residues, as well as to other thiolated molecules (such as thiol-containing oligonucleotides). Cystines should be reduced with TCEP (tris-carboxyethylphosphine) or with another appropriate reductant prior to the labeling.

AF 647 is a bright, far-red-emitting fluorescent dye with high fluorescence quantum yield and photostability. AF 647 is a water-soluble, pH-insensitive dye. The spectrum of AF 647 is far from the green-yellow wavelengths, which makes this fluorophore indispensable for the microscopy of tissues with high autofluorescence.



磺基-Cyanine3的水溶性硫醇反应衍生物,一种Cy3 类似物。

FAM 亚磷酰胺,6-异构体 (FAM phosphoramidite, 6-isomer)

单一构体 6-FAM 亚磷酰胺,用于寡核苷酸的修饰。

Biotin-PEG4-NHS ester

PEG4-containing activated ester for simple and efficient biotin labeling of antibodies, proteins, and other primary amine-containing biomolecules.

General properties

Appearance: dark blue powder
Molecular weight: 1081.40
Molecular formula: C41H47K3N4O15S4
Solubility: good in DMSO, DMF
Quality control: NMR 1H and HPLC-MS (90+%)
Storage conditions: 12 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Desiccate.
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Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 655
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 191800
Emission maximum, nm: 680
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.15
CF260: 0.09
CF280: 0.08
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