磺基-Cyanine7.5 NHS酯 (sulfo-Cyanine7.5 NHS ester)

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16320 1 mg $125 现货
26320 5 mg $325 现货
46320 25 mg $850 现货
56320 50 mg $1490 现货
66320 100 mg $1990 现货
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sulfo-Cyanine7.5 是一种近红外水溶性亲水性染料,适用于近红外成像应用。该染料的结构和光谱类似于吲哚菁绿 (ICG) ,后者已被批准用于人体多年。然而,与 ICG 不同的是,sulfo-Cyanine7.5 含有一个三亚甲基桥,与 ICG 相比,它增加了其量子产率,并且具有一个用于连接蛋白质、肽和其他分子的连接臂。该衍生物是一种用于胺基修饰的 NHS 酯。



A bifunctional linker with azide and amine groups flanking PEG3 (triethylene glycol)

BDP® 558/568 azide

BDP 558/568 is a borondipyrromethene fluorophore with absorption and emission spectra close to Cyanine3. This is an azide derivative for сlick chemistry.


Short bifunctional linker with thiol and hydroxyl groups. Thiol can coat gold surfaces forming a hydrophilic monolayer.

质谱 M+ 增量: 950.2
分子量: 1180.47
分子式: C49H48N3K3O16S4
安全数据表(MSDS): 下载

激发/吸收极大值,纳米: 778
ε, 摩尔吸光系数,cm⁻¹: 222000
发射极大值,纳米: 797
荧光量子产率: 0.21
CF260: 0.09
CF280: 0.09


  1. Colville, M.J.; Huang, L.-T.; Schmidt, S.; Chen, K.; Vishwanath, K.; Su, J.; Williams, R.M.; Bonassar, L.J.; Reesink, H.L.; Paszek, M.J. Recombinant manufacturing of multispecies biolubricants. bioRxiv, 2024, preprint. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.05.592580
  2. Khadria, A.; Paavola, C.D.; Maslov, K.; Brown-Augsburger, P.L.; Grealish, P.F.; Lozano, E.; Blankenship, R.L.; Cao, R.; Shi, J.; Beals, J.M.; Oladipupo, S.S.; Wang, L.V. Photoacoustic imaging of the dynamics of a dye-labeled IgG4 monoclonal antibody in subcutaneous tissue reveals a transient decrease in murine blood oxygenation under anesthesia. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2023, 28(11), 116002. doi: 10.1117/1.jbo.28.11.116002
  3. Shevchuk, A. I.; Svinko, V. O.; Smirnov, A. N.; Solovyeva, E. V. SERS Study of Cyanine Dyes: Optimization of Metal Core and Molecular Label Choice for Plasmonic Nanotags. Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 216, 111329. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.111329.
  4. Musicò, A.; Zenatelli, R.; Romano, M.; Zendrini, A.; Alacqua, S.; Tassoni, S.; Paolini, L.; Urbinati, C.; Rusnati, M.; Bergese, P.; Pomarico, G.; Radeghieri, A. Surface functionalization of extracellular vesicle nanoparticles with antibodies: a first study on the protein corona “variable” † † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3na00280b. Nanoscale Advances, 2023, 5(18), 4703-4717. doi: 10.1039/d3na00280b
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