磺基-Cyanine7.5 NHS酯 (sulfo-Cyanine7.5 NHS ester)

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16320 1 mg $125 现货
26320 5 mg $325 现货
46320 25 mg $850 现货
56320 50 mg $1490 现货
66320 100 mg $1990 现货
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sulfo-Cyanine7.5 是一种近红外水溶性亲水性染料,适用于近红外成像应用。该染料的结构和光谱类似于吲哚菁绿 (ICG) ,后者已被批准用于人体多年。然而,与 ICG 不同的是,sulfo-Cyanine7.5 含有一个三亚甲基桥,与 ICG 相比,它增加了其量子产率,并且具有一个用于连接蛋白质、肽和其他分子的连接臂。该衍生物是一种用于胺基修饰的 NHS 酯。


BDP® FL tetrazine

BDP FL tetrazine (methyltetrazine) is a reactive dye for the inverse electron demand Diels-Alder (IEDDA) reaction with trans-cyclooctenes, cyclopropenes, and other strained cycloolefines. BDP FL is a bright and photostable dye for the 488 nm fluorescein (FAM) channel.


Cyanine3 染料的羧酸态。非磺化染料,在有机溶剂中有良好的溶解度,但在水中的溶解度有限。

Cyanine7.5 tetrazine

Cyanine7.5 tetrazine is a tetrazine derivative for TCO ligation and Diels-Alder reaction containing a NIR fluorophore and suitable for in vivo infrared imaging.

质谱 M+ 增量: 950.2
分子量: 1180.47
分子式: C49H48N3K3O16S4
安全数据表(MSDS): 下载

激发/吸收极大值,纳米: 778
ε, 摩尔吸光系数,cm⁻¹: 222000
发射极大值,纳米: 797
荧光量子产率: 0.21
CF260: 0.09
CF280: 0.09


  1. Colville, M.J.; Huang, L.-T.; Schmidt, S.; Chen, K.; Vishwanath, K.; Su, J.; Williams, R.M.; Bonassar, L.J.; Reesink, H.L.; Paszek, M.J. Recombinant manufacturing of multispecies biolubricants. bioRxiv, 2024, preprint. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.05.592580
  2. Khadria, A.; Paavola, C.D.; Maslov, K.; Brown-Augsburger, P.L.; Grealish, P.F.; Lozano, E.; Blankenship, R.L.; Cao, R.; Shi, J.; Beals, J.M.; Oladipupo, S.S.; Wang, L.V. Photoacoustic imaging of the dynamics of a dye-labeled IgG4 monoclonal antibody in subcutaneous tissue reveals a transient decrease in murine blood oxygenation under anesthesia. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2023, 28(11), 116002. doi: 10.1117/1.jbo.28.11.116002
  3. Shevchuk, A. I.; Svinko, V. O.; Smirnov, A. N.; Solovyeva, E. V. SERS Study of Cyanine Dyes: Optimization of Metal Core and Molecular Label Choice for Plasmonic Nanotags. Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 216, 111329. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.111329.
  4. Musicò, A.; Zenatelli, R.; Romano, M.; Zendrini, A.; Alacqua, S.; Tassoni, S.; Paolini, L.; Urbinati, C.; Rusnati, M.; Bergese, P.; Pomarico, G.; Radeghieri, A. Surface functionalization of extracellular vesicle nanoparticles with antibodies: a first study on the protein corona “variable” † † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3na00280b. Nanoscale Advances, 2023, 5(18), 4703-4717. doi: 10.1039/d3na00280b
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